Selasa, 18 Juni 2019

FERRUM NETWORK - Unirà il mondo della criptovaluta Nuovo protocollo unico


Ferrum Network, progettata da un esperto di sistemi distribuiti con oltre dieci anni di esperienza presso le più grandi aziende tecnologiche del mondo, è stata progettata per risolvere due problemi fondamentali che impediscono l'adozione generalizzata di criptovalute: basse velocità delle transazioni e mancanza di interoperabilità tra le reti.
Invece di costruire una rete autonoma, Ferrum Network sfrutta i valori degli attuali blockchain e li collega a un livello di transazione ad alta velocità che consente transazioni peer-to-peer di qualsiasi risorsa digitale.

Come la Lightning Network per ogni blockchain, la rivoluzionaria tecnologia di Ferrum unisce le reti, per un'esperienza di transazione costantemente ad alta velocità ea basso costo per ogni risorsa digitale, sia BTC, ETH, XRP, EOS, Zcash e così via. Funziona anche con le valute legali. Concentrato sul laser per l'acquisizione degli utenti e l'adozione globale, Ferrum Network ha costruito una linea integrata verticalmente di applicazioni finanziarie sulla parte superiore della rete, consentendo agli utenti di acquistare, scambiare, negoziare e archiviare qualsiasi risorsa digitale senza alcun rischio di controparte.

Immagina di comprare una tazza di caffè con bitcoin e la compensazione della transazione in millisecondi; scambiare BTC per ETH su uno scambio decentrato cross-chain ad alta velocità; o inviare una fiat digitale a un utente a metà strada nel mondo senza intermediari di terze parti tutto è possibile con Ferrum Network

Cos'è la rete ferrum

Ferrum Network, progettata da uno specialista di sistemi distribuiti con più di dieci anni di esperienza presso le più grandi aziende tecnologiche del mondo, è stata costruita per affrontare due questioni fondamentali che ostacolano l'applicazione della moneta elettronica. principale: lenta velocità delle transazioni e mancanza di interoperabilità tra le reti.
Ferrum Network è la prima rete interattiva ad alta velocità per applicazioni finanziarie reali, con interoperabilità incrociata - un protocollo di nuova generazione progettato per connettersi a ogni blockchain. Ferrum Network sta lanciando una linea di prodotti finanziari integrati verticalmente sulla rete che consente agli utenti di controllare la propria vita finanziaria. Questi sono Kudi Exchange e UniFyre

L'interazione tra le catene

In generale, ciò che può essere detto è il componente principale di questo progetto che rende il progetto unico. Questo è ciò che consente al progetto di interagire con tutte le reti. Ferrum Network è un protocollo di nuova generazione che può facilmente connettersi a qualsiasi rete. Un protocollo che gli sviluppatori assicurano sta lavorando sulla parte superiore della rete. Non c'è mai stata una cosa del genere. E tale protocollo unisce l'intera rete di criptovaluta in una sola. Non importa Qual è la tua moneta. Usa questo progetto sarai in grado di interagire con quello che vuoi. Dozzine di operazioni non necessarie andranno via dopo l'entrata della rete sul mercato. Io stesso incontro regolarmente questo problema. Ciò che interagisce con un'altra rete ho bisogno di fare dozzine di operazioni. E si può dire molto fastidioso.

Alta velocità a basso costo

Alta velocità: il protocollo viene eseguito sulla parte superiore della rete. Non importa quali monete invierai Bitcoin o ETH. Avrai una velocità identica stabile di operazioni. Stai dicendo che Bitcoin ha un basso tasso di transazioni? Si prega di avere un progetto che renda la stessa velocità. Inoltre, parla delle tariffe di rete. Come hai già capito, questa non è una blockchain. E i costi di estrazione non ti saranno richiesti. E ciò significa che otterremo un nuovo prezzo per le nostre transazioni. Diventerà molto più economico. Dove il gas sarà i token del progetto FRM. Bene, è per questo che siamo tutti abituati a nulla di gratuito.

Una linea integrata di prodotti finanziari

Come qualsiasi altra rete. Le reti hanno bisogno di strumenti finanziari. E il progetto sta già sviluppando questi prodotti. Ci hanno già fornito informazioni sullo sviluppo del prodotto. Sarà uno scambio di criptovaluta in cui potrai lavorare con soldi veri. E un portafoglio di criptovaluta. È anche scritto che il portafoglio ci permetterà di esistere al di fuori del commercio di scambio. In generale, il progetto si è occupato della linea di prodotti che ci permetterà di interagire facilmente con questa rete. Sulla base dei primi punti, posso immaginare quanto sia conveniente usare un portafoglio per tutte le monete. E fare transazioni veloci.


La tecnologia innovativa creata per transazioni peer-to-peer ad alta velocità di qualsiasi risorsa digitale è la spina dorsale di Ferrum Network e dei suoi prodotti.

Il registro DAG

Un libro mastro decentralizzato simile a una blockchain ma progettato per transazioni veloci, commissioni di rete minime e niente minatori

Rete di interoperabilità

Innovando su soluzioni cross-chain, Ferrum può interagire con qualsiasi blockchain / rete

Token Proxy decentralizzati

I token proxy decentralizzati con garanzie di stabilità consentono lo scambio / la transazione di qualsiasi risorsa digitale, inclusa la fiat digitale

Trading ad alta frequenza

Supporto nativo per spostare le attività fuori catena ed eseguire operazioni e transazioni ad alta frequenza per i costi nominali

Il token FRM

Gas della rete, i token FRM vengono spesi e bruciati per ogni transazione sulla rete

Importa / Esporta valore

Ferrum è progettato per importare / esportare valori, comprese le valute legali






Per maggiori informazioni visita il link sottostante:

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Autore: Jeffhardy

My ETH: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

Global Property Register – Real estate blockchain

About Global Property Register

Global Property Register – is another age of the land advertise, utilizing current innovations and apparatuses, with which it will be conceivable not exclusively to fix each consequent property, yet additionally to buy it on an improved framework through the inward token platform.
That is, to place it in basic words, Global Property Register is another sort of officially out of date old arrangement of the land advertise. Global Property Register is capable not exclusively to survey land, yet additionally to control the whole rundown of essential reports, lawful declarations and different references at the authoritative dimension, so as to guarantee most extreme straightforwardness at all phases of the exchange, just as to dispense with different bureaucratic expenses.

Blockchain technology has the ability to optimize global infrastructure to address international issues more effectively than existing systems in the current context. Here are all the great benefits that Blockchain technology brings us.
Blockchain in different industries will provide transparency throughout the categories. With a financial transaction, you can observe real-time Blockchain transfer status, instead of not knowing how the transaction status is until the transaction ends, a common problem in the current system. Transparency remains unchanged when applied to all values ​​recorded on Blockchain.
One advantage of Blockchain technology over existing systems is the ability to remove intermediate units by allowing people to deal directly with each other instead of going through certain third parties. This helps billions of people who are living in countries where they cannot trust intermediaries because of decaying government, high crime rates, charter businesses, and operations, Manual record keeping or legal options are very limited.
Blockchain allows the development of primary and secondary trading platforms for securities and real estate "often brings new possibilities to limit previously by creating more liquidity and ease of access for homes. sponsors and publishers
Global Property Register is a decentralized ecosystem that provides the first global blockchain world. We leverage blockchain technology to make asset registration easier for mankind, especially in developing countries. Global asset registrations (GPR) are the first global real estate registrations that will have a nature all over the world, including developed and developing countries. It will provide evidence of ownership for more than 4.5 billion people (worth $ 20 million) worldwide that are not currently covered by insurance and therefore cut off from the financial and real estate markets. It will also provide a global asset exchange. This platform will serve as an international digital real estate market for all market participants.

They have experts in providing the best and reliable blockchain-based real estate products. Our experts understand the different requirements of the real estate market and try to provide the most effective solutions. They will provide the following solutions.

Global Property Register Advantages

The nearness of a blockchain system will enable you to at the same time control an amazing number of records and archives, while giving all the important administrative, administrative and legitimate structures with speedy access to all the vital reports and reports. Also, the blockchain will add to the decrease of extra budgetary costs, which recently eaten up the greater part of the capital of a land proprietor. Another preferred standpoint of Global Property Register is land scope, since this project has the chance to create far and wide, without constraining itself to the outskirts of a nation.

Company's mission

To solve global plans, specialists plan to perform the following tasks:
  1. Create a global property registry.
  2. Conduct analytics, which will be done using artificial intelligence.
  3. Creating a social platform that may be required to promote modern real estate solutions.
  4. Build a unique real estate exchange where you can make a purchase and sale.

Benefits of the project

Real estate is notably one of the most stable form of investment and it involves a little amount of risk as an investment mechanism. The global total value of developed real estate is over 228 trillion USD, which is higher than the total global traded equities and securitized debt instruments put together and in the year 2016, its global transactions volumes reached about 661 billion USD.
By maintaining an immutable record of property ownership, encumbrance and conveyance, blockchain can provide a certainty of information that allows for a greater level of trust and transparency. It can allow each piece of property to have its own digital address where all information relating to the property may be stored.
This would include financial information, leases, taxes, bills, liens, easements, building performance, physical characteristics and the transaction history relating to the property, potentially eliminating the need for expensive in-depth title searches.
Crucially, all property level information can be encrypted in such a way that only those with permission by the property owner (or agent lender, in the case of a mortgage loan transfer) can be allowed access.
Prevention of Fraud - All transactions that occur on the on a blockchain platform will be cryptographically signed and auditable. The use of timestamps with consensus mechanism on the blockchain has the ability to prevent double booking/selling of the same property unit, which is a common problem when a property is being listed by diferent brokers.
Distribution token
token distribution.png
Fund Allocation
fund token.png

Token distribution

All issued coins will be distributed as follows:
  1. 30% of coins will be allocated for marketing.
  2. 40% is intended for development.
  3. The team after the completion of their work will receive 15%.
  4. For the reserve is 25%.
For more information please visit the link below:
Author: Jeffhardy
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2102915
My ETH: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

Minggu, 09 Juni 2019

Temtum - financial freedom, the ability to quickly confirm transactions, no restrictions when working with data



This section provides an overview of the groundbreaking new technology behind the day. For a list of definitions, see the glossary at the end of this white paper. The Temtum network achieves truly decentralized scalability, near instant transaction speeds, and reliable transaction throughput with low resource consumption and future-proof cryptographic security.

With our improved network routing, block size capping, and system architecture that ensures that a single, random node acknowledgment all transactions for 60 seconds, the only restriction on throughput transactions is the hardware and bandwidth of the network participants. This shows the fact that we demonstrated simulated transaction throughput speeds of 120,000 transactions per second in a lab environment.

The critical elements of the Temtum network architecture are the Temporal Blockchain, the consensus and routing algorithms, and the use of proven random numbers based on quantum interference science.


Temtum is a new, lightweight, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency where anyone can support the Temporal Blockchain network, creating a new world of financial freedom away from centralized institutions

The speed of the Temporal network is unrivaled by any existing blockchain technology, with 120k TPS achieved in our environment and theoretically unlimited labs, directly influenced by the scale of the network.

The ultra-lightweight architecture, efficiency and consensus of transactions on Temporal leads to incredible verification speed.

The Temporal allows short term data storage on nodes, while keeping the integrity of the blockchain and its full history. With our consensus algorithm, transactions were no longer required to be sent to each node, instead sent directly to the leader node. Therefore, resources are spent in the needless duplication of messages.

This reduction in storage and processing power makes participation from low-resourced devices possible, while using less energy than existing blockchain technology.

The current problem with the Blockchain today

Blockchain is still an emerging technology. It has begun to transform various industries around the world by providing digital networks, unchanging and safe for transactions, sharing and distributing data without central authority. This provides a number of significant theoretical benefits when compared to existing technologies and methods, such as increased transparency, traceability and security, and increased efficiency and speed of transactions. Most importantly, financial transactions are no longer dependent on trust - they are proven cryptographically.

Our vision

It offers amazing opportunities that have hardly been addressed so far. For cryptocurrencies to thrive, the blockchain must now take the next step in its evolution. And here comes friend into play. Temtum can help to ensure truly distributed, decentralized and democratic future for financial transactions. It is a future that doesn't destroy the environment. A future for all, wherever they live in the world, where are the benefits of cryptocurrencies are available and accessible to all. We have not only seen this positive future, we have designed, built, tested and found the technology to be the most effective replacement medium.

What is the Temtum solution to this problem ?

The fact that the blockchain network currently has basic limitations means that they cannot fulfill the main transaction requests for many sectors and applications that should have the greatest need for blockchain networks, such as large global payment networks and credit card companies. Here's how to fix each of these shortcomings on the current blockchain network:

  • Scalability - the blockchain time eliminates the need to store a complete history of channels on all nodes by archiving data locally, while preventing competition in node selection.
  • The network speed of the network is limited only by the hardware and bandwidth of the network participants. We create very efficient consensus algorithms and remove block sizes to confirm transactions in blocks very quickly, up to 12 seconds confirmation time.
  • Cost-less - no transaction fees are built into the network, making it a strong cryptocurrency for large transactions and volumes
  • Security - temporal is a quantum secure blockchain network that uses photon sources to create random numbers along with the next generation hashing algorithm.


We have deployed custom code on the head unit (HU) of a BMW i8 as part of a mobility focused project. . This is allowed by the car to function as a fully working node, capable of confirming transactions as the car was driven. The loading of the code into the car did not have any impact on its functionality and was able to run in the background.

Even though the computing power in the i8 is significantly less than traditional computers, it consistently demonstrates the ability to confirm 500 polling stations. We believe this is a world-first where a car has been able to act as a full node without the requirement of additional hardware.

Two test cars, a BMW 220i, and the showcase BMW i8 have been used during testing. As in the previous development cycle, we didn't add any additional hardware and software on the iDrive systems were modified. We discovered that the BMW 220i, while a significantly less advanced in terms of digital systems than the i8, was able to fully participate and achieve the same level of performance as a full node (able to store the Temporal Blockchain and confirm transactions when required ) as the flagship i8.

After demonstrating that the entry-level BMW is fully capable of participating in the network as a node, we also achieved a mesh network between cars. This allowed the BMW to have its own mobile network connection disabled, without internet access and instead receive data directly from the i8.

Receiving data from the i8 to the 220i directly, where Temporal and all transactions are also using cryptography, would not present an attack vector. The ability to communicate with vehicles that do not have an active internet connection is increasing, while removing any mobile data charges and reducing costs for network participation.

Our application into the existing entertainment system of the older BMW models showed no performance degradation to the driver. Testing is under way to apply this theory to more car brands, including a 2018 Renault Megane, which will allow for direct cross-platform (i.e. from the brand A to brand B) communication.

More than half-a-million vehicles were registered in the UK from January 2014 to January 2017, with each vehicle more than capable of participating in and supporting the general network. With network scale increasing attack costs, participation via existing mobility infrastructure can ultimately secure the level beyond the existing networks, without the need for expensive energy consumption.

Although the environmental impact of fuel-powered vehicles is of some concern, making use of technology that is already in use and reducing the cost of sustainability vehicles starts participating in the community network.

Over the past 5 years, the Temporal Blockchain has been researched and developed to have a working product that is an evolution of the entire Blockchain technology. Our road map goes back in time, whilst outlining the future for temtum.

It's Cryptocurrency.Evolved.


For more information please visit the link below :
Author: Jeffhardy
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2102915
My ETH: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019

Colletrix - Uniendo los mundos físicos y virtuales

Colletrix cuenta con el apoyo de un equipo talentoso de UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena y Bitwork Accelerator. El objetivo del proyecto es revolucionar la propiedad de la propiedad intelectual, brindando protección y valor constante a los propietarios de la propiedad intelectual mediante tokenización, al tiempo que garantiza la confianza de los comerciantes y consumidores en la autenticidad de los productos adquiridos. UNDONE compartirá su experiencia de comercialización para demostrar los beneficios de la tecnología blockchain para los productos, Animoca Brands presentará su extensa red de propietarios de tecnología IP y tecnología de cadena de bloques y gamificación, y Future Arena utilizará su amplio portafolio de direcciones IP para deportes y entretenimiento, y todo para crear un ecosistema dinámico de creación de mercadotecnia IP, comercial y física utilizando la tecnología blockchain.

En el futuro, además de su modelo de negocio de tokenización basado en IP, Colletrix explorará las posibilidades de redefinir el valor de mercado de los bienes utilizando la tecnología de autenticación básica. Con la integración de un activo digital y bienes tradicionales, agregar el valor de un activo digital más allá del valor cobrable original de un producto dará como resultado un valor cobrable completamente nuevo del producto.

Qué es Colletrix?

Colletrix utiliza la tecnología blockchain para proteger los derechos de ingresos de los creadores de propiedad intelectual (IP) y verificar la autenticidad de los artículos coleccionables.

Los creadores de IP originales normalmente pierden cuando su IP se transfiere o vende. Los consumidores todavía necesitan verificar los artículos de colección que compran usando métodos arcaicos.

Colletrix muestra la propiedad intelectual de los artistas en un activo digital, lo que les permite obtener ingresos cada vez que se intercambia el token. Los consumidores pueden verificar la autenticidad de sus objetos de colección a través de la información del token almacenada en la cadena de bloques.

Colletrix está respaldado por un equipo talentoso de UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena y Bitwork Accelerator. El objetivo del proyecto es revolucionar la propiedad de la propiedad intelectual mediante la introducción de protección y valor perpetuo para los propietarios de la propiedad intelectual a través de la tokenización, al tiempo que proporciona a los comerciantes y consumidores la confianza en la autenticidad de los productos adquiridos. UNDONE aportará su experiencia en comercialización para mostrar los beneficios de la tecnología blockchain para productos de mercadería, Animoca Brands presentará su vasta red de propietarios de IP y tecnologías de blockchain y gamificación, mientras que Future Arena aprovechará su sólido portafolio de IP de deportes y entretenimiento, todo para cree un ecosistema vibrante de creación de IP, comercio y comercialización física utilizando la tecnología blockchain. En 2018, UNDONE se unió al Programa Acelerador de Bitwork que apunta a respaldar proyectos con la adopción de la tecnología blockchain en su negocio, y ahora Colletrix trabajará con el Acelerador de Bitwork para lanzar el Proyecto y proporcionar un nuevo valor de mercado para todos los interesados ​​del Ecosistema.

Para propietarios de propiedad intelectual

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo proporcionar al propietario de la propiedad intelectual original.
oportunidad de proporcionar una licencia de por vida al recibir NFT. El diseño único de los propietarios de IP se incluirá en su NFT único y, por lo tanto, conducirá a la creación de un mercado secundario de IP-NFT ("NFT Marketplace"). Los propietarios de IP serán recompensados.


Predecimos un mundo donde las nuevas economías y las economías antiguas se integrarán completamente para crear nuevos modelos económicos que maximicen los beneficios para todos los participantes. A partir de la IP y las industrias creativas, anticipamos una revolución industrial cuando los propietarios de IP puedan ahorrar costos decentes de licencias mediante la implementación de la tecnología blockchain.

La misión

Con la ayuda de la Plataforma, nos esforzamos por crear un nuevo valor de mercado mediante la integración de la tokensización de IP. Con la introducción de NFT, combinaremos la vieja economía y la nueva economía. Por lo tanto, haremos esto para ampliar la oportunidad para que todos los propietarios y productores de IP en todo el mundo obtengan licencias a largo plazo para su IP6; y para los comerciantes, les ofreceremos un nuevo valor de mercado desde sus bienes físicos a través de la aplicación blockchain, maximizando el atractivo y la rentabilidad de sus productos. La inclusión de la NFT creará un interés dinámico en los coleccionistas, brindándoles un fácil acceso a los mercados criptográficos y abriendo nuevas oportunidades de negocios, como las franquicias. Colletrix será uno de los primeros en inspirar una gran transformación e integración económica global.

CIPX Tokenomics

Colletrix lanzará su propio token de ecosistema, Colletrix Token ("CIPX"). CIPX es una criptomoneda que es compatible con la red Ethereum con el estándar ERC-20. Por lo tanto, todos los registros relacionados con CIPX se pueden ver usando el navegador Ethereum. Como una criptomoneda comercial, CIPX se puede usar en una variedad de situaciones, pero se usa principalmente e inicialmente en compras NFT emitidas a través del Mercado NFT.

Nuestro objetivo es crear un ecosistema perturbador que introduzca la nueva transformación del negocio de Tokenisasi IP para esta industria. A través de la tokenización de IP, nos esforzamos por mejorar y brindar beneficios a los propietarios de IP. Al mismo tiempo, atraerá a grandes propietarios de IP adicionales para expandir este ecosistema. A medida que más propietarios de IP participen en este programa, los comerciantes podrán ampliar la gama de productos para bienes físicos en combinación con activos digitales. El mercado NFT atraerá la atención y el interés de los coleccionistas de todo el mundo. Nuestra amplia y leal base de cobro aumentará el volumen de operaciones y aumentará los precios de mercado para CIPX debido a la alta demanda, especialmente dado que la cantidad de NFT y CIPX se limita a una cantidad estable.

Información del token

Colletrix emitirá su propio token de ecosistema, el token de Colletrix (CIPX). CIPX es una criptomoneda soportada por la red Ethereum con el estándar ERC-20. Por lo tanto, todos los registros relevantes para CIPX se pueden ver utilizando los exploradores Ethereum. Como una criptomoneda comercial, CIPX se puede usar en múltiples situaciones, pero se utilizará principalmente e inicialmente para comprar los NFT emitidos a través del Mercado de NFT.

  • Token Name: Colletrix
  • Symbol: CIPX
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Type: ERC721 IEO total value US$ 50,000,000
  • Total token supply 10,000,000,000 CIPX
  • Price per token US$ 0.01
  • Initial token pairing BTC ETH
  • Target token sales US$ 7,000,000
  • Private sales round US$ 5,000,000 (500,000,000 CIPX)
  • IEO round US$ 2,000,000 (200,000,000 CIPX)
  • Token for sales 700,000,000 CIPX
  • Public float 7%
  • Oversize adjustment option US$ 5,000,000 (500,000,000 CIPX) (12% of total allotment)
  • Individual Minimum Cap US$ 100
  • Individual Cap US$ 5,000
  • Private Round & IEO Vesting Period: After IEO T+3 release 30% / after 1 month release 30%/ after 3 months release 40%

Para obtener más información, visite el siguiente enlace:

Autor: Jeffhardy

Perfil de Bitcointalk:;u=2102915

Mi ETH: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

Selasa, 21 Mei 2019

XCRYPT: A Hybrid Crypto-Currency Trading Platform Based on Blockchain Technology



Xcrypt is the first of its kind to have a value added service in heart and also in its exchange hybrid, it is interested in security and will serve as a marketplace for erc721. With the creation of the end to end ecosystem which will involve a debit card and also a social media platform it is created for its users to order to interact and build a stronger community.
With the growth of the world's big players and their levels, the x-ray ecosystem has been built up to meet their levels, one would not be mistaken to say that the platform is perfectly ready for the future, and what's awesome is that we end to end ecosystem is small, medium and large investors.


The platform exists in it's hybrid state, it is perfect in its ability to trade and achieves high throughput in the imperfect market. However, it is based on the DLT and has mastered the skills of trading. It will be the platform for managing activities in the aspect of trading and then will reduce the cost of activities. It won't waste no time with any operation, it has the perfect features and has the right plans to make things perfect.


xCrypt is very effective in the crypto community through its laid down steps. With that, it can accurately coordinate the processes.

It has a contract set aside for the depositions to be exchanged by both parties involved in the process. It also has a special dashboard where users can find out how much they have left and how they can use the xCrypt contracts.

In the xCrypt database, the users are compiled with their addresses too in a secure space.

The marker who is initiating a trade will have to create and present the order and then the platform will confirm or verify that hill has all the activities it has to do, including the availability of funds in its account. After that has been done, then they can proceed to the order book.

Then it will make it possible to make it work as soon as they are submitted to it. This platform ensures accuracy of the order made and ensures that books are being updated at all times.

These are also regarded as the great features that makes it different from other existing trading sites.
First is that it is able to store all forms of assets in its network and makes withdrawal very easy to do. It also provides so many trading options as a social establishment. Social in the sense that it allows users to mingle with each other and trade together. It entire operations are made to fall into complaince and it rewards it users well.
Its entire operations is done at low or no cost for the charges and it uses Security tokens in its operations too. It has form a part of the ERC 20 and also have become a member of the ERC 721. Token holders more than any other types of users will be cherished and made to enjoy the full benefits of the setup.
xCrypt has worked to overcome the challenges that many Investors face like not being able to locate good investors pools and the fundraising issues that has become so rampant. xCrypt will add values in so many ways to the system and will make the XCT tokens available on exchanges so that users can purchase them. Proper listing will be done for other projects on xCrypt without any fees attached. Holding tokens actually comes with enough benefits in the system so the first priority of users should be to get the tokens.
xCrypt is an innovative ecosystem with its core function in its exchange. The exchange is a hybrid trading platform for digital assets, securities and a potential marketplace for ERC721 tokens. The scope of the present exchange landscape is too small and more advanced exchanges like XCrypt can explore and exploit it to the fullest. Other superior products that make up the xCrypt ecosystem are crypto Debit Cards, Social Media Trading System and Airdrop Ranking System. These 4 key products will give crypto users a renewable energy to engage in the cryptocurrency ever-changing market.
xCrypt Exchange
This is the powerhouse of xCrypt that differentiates it from other top exchanges in the market. It is a hybrid exchange feature that is a Centralized Exchange Platform and a Decentralized Exchange Platform. The platform as a whole offers more added values ​​that give it an edge over a traditional exchange. Firstly, the approach that is made possible through a strategic approach that is beneficial to users, traders and investors alike. Secondly, the support for all the top 100 cryptocurrencies, many fiat currencies and other carefully selected cryptocurrencies. In addition, xCrypt will create a marketplace based on the ERC721 for cryptographic assets, gaming items and other blockchain backed digital goods.
Crypto Debit Card
This is an innovative tool that is available on the move to make innovative tools available to users of producing Debit Cards for storing cryptocurrencies, making payments and withdrawing cash from ATMs. This will be a secure and easy way to move around assets and use them for instant payments without restriction.
Social Media
This is an interactive platform within the xCrypt Ecosystem that allows users to gain engaging with other xCrypt users. Users will have access to a professional tool, Xcrypt SAF (Social Analytical Funding System) which is a strategy for investment programs to enable investors, less experience and new investment to maximize their investment. Investment capitals will be handed over to experienced and skilled traders within the system who will trade and manage the funds to a desired profit. The ratio of contribution to the contribution ratio.
Users' assets, trading platforms, crypto wallets and the whole ecosystem are securely fortified with multi-factor authentication and adhere to Crypto Currency Security Standard (CCSS). xCrypt won't compromise the security standard for anything. Private keys are encrypted with AES-256 and store offline. Users' funds are kept in cold storage protected with multi-signature technology. The exchange platform is secured against DDOS attacks. Passwords in database are done using encrypted Transport Layer Security (TLS).

ICO Details

Token Symbol: xCrypt
Token abbreviation: XCT
Token value: 1 XCT = 1 USD
Total token: 200,000,000
Token type: ERC20 Token
Soft cap: 7 Million USD
Hard cap: 75 Million USD

Token Distribution






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Author: Jeffhardy

ETH: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

Kamis, 16 Mei 2019



The cryptocurrency market seems to be growing in popularity every day. With the astronomical rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there seems to be an influx of people into the market. Many cryptocurrency exchanges cannot even afford to have their account creation feature open all the time. Such is the demand for entry into the market that trading account creation for new customers is periodically disabled. The average daily trading volume of the market is usually in trillions of dollars. The total market cap of the entire market stands at more than half a trillion dollars which is an astonishing feat considering the market is less than a decade old. However, despite all of these large numbers, there are a number of major problems that plague the market. To use these numbers solely as an appraisal index of the state of the market would present a false narrative. There are structural and functional issues that affect the market. These problems stem from a variety of reasons such as the infant nature of the market, lack of understanding of the cryptocurrency space, and some the peculiar economics of cryptocurrencies.

Advantages of OOOBTC

  • Many altcoins (unclear). OOOBTC offers trading in a lot of unclear altcoins such as Golem, Zilika, Status, Rchain, etc. In fact, the best known coin in the OOOBTC portfolio is Ether. They can only be exchanged with one another, but not for fiat currencies.
  • Low trade costs. OOOBTC has a relatively low trade cost of 0.25%, which is quite profitable.
  • Transfer fee. OOOBTC says it does not charge deposit fees for cryptocurrency and only charges the miner's fees for crypto withdrawals. In fact, this is more or less a standard practice for most exchanges, when it comes to cryptocurrency deposits.
  • - Good platform. OOOBTC offers the right trading platform with charts, several indicators and several charting and analysis tools, which can be very useful for more advanced traders.


The service of the OOOBTC EXCHANGE platform itself is highly ranked by the OOOBTC EXCHANGE team due to comfort and security for traders and foreign investors. One of the highest concerns is exchange security. Exchanging crypto to fiat or exchanging fiat to crypto is one of the main problems faced by many cryptocurrency and exchanges, beginners feel it is very difficult to be included in cryptocurrency, or trade cryptos on the exchange because of the lack of converting them to fiat or fiat to cryptos. The OOOBTC exchange aims to keep things very simple and fast for novice users who want to learn cryptocurrency space. The team realizes that having a world-class support team cannot be overemphasized by the OOOBTC EXCHANGE team that has implemented a high level of security architecture for traders and foreign investors who will save assets safely and comfortably.


OBX Token is an ERC 20 standard token and when held on the exchange will enjoy dividends shared from the total platform revenues. The amount of Obx bonus is calculated based on the amount of asset held at 00:00 on a daily basis and the trading fee of ooobtc at the current hour which is normally distributed at 02:00 UTC (UTC + 8) everyday. Usually all users get their bonus within 24 hours. The bonus will be paid directly to users account without the need of manual collection. You need to hold at least 1000 OBX to obtain the bonus and keep them for more than 24 hours. OOOBTC will make a unified payment to users for OBX bonus, please rest assured and wait for the bonus arrive at your ooobtc account. The daily dividend received by the users is not a fixed number, the more OBX you hold the more profits you will receive.

The OOOBTC Dividends and bonus system are in six (6) phase
Dividends according to the total market value of all the currencies held
in your OOOBTC exchange wallet.
Holders of OBX Token will get daily dividend paid in OBX Token and
this is based on the total number of OBX one is holding.
Recommend a friend to purchase and hold OBX Token and you will
get daily dividends paid as recommendation reward.
Register new users and get OBX Token paid as referral commission.
Win OBX Token by playing games through the OOOBTC Game

OOOBTC is listed on coinmarketcap with over 26,000 btc trading volume, OOOBTC can be accessed seamlessly on the web, Android, iOS, PC, Mac OS, and the H5 mobile browser. In addition to covering digital assets that have been recognized widely, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, OOOBTC will also set up a professional research team, upholding the concept of openness and cooperation, and picking highquality blockchain digital assets around the world.


35% - Airdrop, Bounty and Public Shares 
30% - Community building, Marketing and Partnership 
25% - Locked for Technological development 
10% - Co-founders and Development Team 


55% - Trading com petition 
20% - Distribute OBX based on OBX balance 
10% - Distribute OBX based on user asset balance 
10% - Airdrop 
5% - Recomm end new users

For more information, please visit the official source below :


Author : Jeffhardy
Bitcointalk profile :;u=2102915

OBX address : 0x613ac2513ad04201d7a73db497ac5b57b5a150be

Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

OOOBTC - is a gateway platform and exchange for cryptocurrency and Crypto-ecosystem located in Singapore

Based on appropriate and safe technology, terminals are available for reliable and high-quality services that ensure clients can trade any currency pair free of all worries. It has taken various careful steps such as cold storage systems, 2-factor authentication, and encryption technology to encrypt personal account information, which allows guaranteed protection of funds.
What is OOOBTC?
OOOBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that only offers cryptocurrency, and some are very unclear, at that time.
There is not much detail about where he is or not, but we get the impression that it is a relatively new exchange.
OOOBTC is a gateway platform and exchange for cryptocurrency and Crypto-ecosystem located in Singapore. OOOBTC provides system functions that are as diverse as spot trading, futures trading, over-counter trading, entire network trading, and decentralized trade. In addition, it meets the needs of many investors. Our trading system has a strong security mechanism and reliable basic architecture, which gives investors reliable trading experience. In addition, the unique online trading model of the OCOBTC platform will efficiently match the market depth of major exchanges around the world while providing higher liquidity events. Relying on the entire network trading system, we believe the ooobtc platform will be the largest liquidity provider of digital assets in the world.
The OOOBTC Token will function as a driver for our platform, but it is the ERC blockchain that can be reused and can be stored in our integrated wallet. or ERC20 compatible wallet, at the user's discretion. OBX tokens can be purchased directly on the platform or from markets and external exchanges. To support the OOOBTC exchange project, we will launch a different promotional campaign. The total supply of the original OOOBTC tokens is 3 billion (3 000 000 000) and other tokens can be made ... NO PUBLIC SALES, NO ICO WILL HELP
OOOBTC we will use 20 - 50% of all trade costs purchased to buy OBX from the market and then redistribute it to users based on the OBX Bonus Program. Furthermore, all ooobtc bonuses Moving forward will be given to users on OBX instead of other cryptocurrency traded on the exchange. We believe this will simplify our OBX bonus system and be more in line with the expectations of our users.
HIGH LEVEL OF SECURITY: We've been taking differently cautious estimates like cold storage system, 2-factor authentication and encryption technology to encode your own record data, which enable you to have guaranteed assurance of your reserve.

A PLATFORM FOR EASY TRADING : Based on the exact and secure technology, our terminal is set up to give solid and quality administrations which ensure you can trade any of the OOOBTC money matches free from every one of the stresses.

LARGE VOLUME WITH REAL TRADERS : Operating the biggest volume digital asset exchange on the planet, it's currently or never, accompany us and get the chance to exploit our driving technology rapidly and we can build the biggest market for digital assets ever. Get in touch with OOOBTC:

LOW TRANSACTION AND WITHDRAWAL CHARGES : So as to all the more likely serve clients, OOOBTC will charge withdrawal expenses and transaction charges, explicit rates have appeared as follows. Store and Withdrawal expenses of BTC is 0.5 %, Trade charges are 0.15%.
Advantages of OOOBTC
Many altcoins (unclear). OOOBTC offers trading in a lot of unclear altcoins such as Golem, Zilika, Status, Rchain, etc. In fact, the best known coin in the OOOBTC portfolio is Ether. They can only be exchanged with one another, but not for fiat currencies.
Low trade costs. OOOBTC has a relatively low trade cost of 0.25%, which is quite profitable.
Transfer fee. OOOBTC says it does not charge deposit fees for cryptocurrency and only charges the miner's fees for crypto withdrawals. In fact, this is more or less a standard practice for most exchanges, when it comes to cryptocurrency deposits.
Good platform. OOOBTC offers the right trading platform with charts, several indicators and several charting and analysis tools, which can be very useful for more advanced traders.
Purse. OOOBTC has provided wallets for supported altcoins, which can be very convenient, especially for more obscure altcoins, which don't have many wallets.
Good security. OOOBTC offers 2-factor authentication and encryption of user information. Funds are stored in offline cold storage, which makes them inaccessible to hackers and quite safe.
The Impact of OOOBTC’s Exchange Token (OBX)
OTHER new generation cryptocurrency exchange that is to bring reforms to the crypto-sphere. Although it is solves most of the inherent problems in traditional crystalline exchanges, it also went on to implement the OOOBTC exchange token, OBX.
You may be wondering about the impact of this will make the crypto-sphere, especially with the proliferation of many exchanges. To that end, the features below will help you to understand the OBX tokens
Distribution of Tokens

Q2 2017 - Conduct market research can verify technical and market feasibility.
Q3 2017 - Set up the project, obtain the project Approval and develop products.
Q4 2017 - Main project launch. OOOBTC launchthemost Largest Singapore crypto Currency exchange.
Q1 2018 - Public API Release, develops new prototype capable of more than 50,000 polling stations.
Q2 Q3 2018 - Launch of the new and improved exchange UI / UX with massive upgrades for traders including aworld class UI, which is responsive for mobile users.
Q4 2018 - OOOBTC launch Atomic swap trading (Atomic Cross-chain transaction)
Q1 2019 - Launch of OOOBTC tokens (OBX TOKEN), the launch of the token which will be the backbone to the exchange. Aidrops, bounties, trading competitions, listing competitions are solid projects.
Q2 2019 - Launch of anewaffiliate reward program forreferrersto the platform, full worldwide promotions and marketingof ooobtc exchange
Q3 Q4 2019 - OOOBTC version 2.0 launch mobile app with 100% friendly. More crypto games integration
2020 - Newroadmap update and Continue development of The exchange. Fiat pairing and Debit card integration.
For more information please visit the official source below :

Author: Jeffhardy
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2102915

OBX Address: 0x613ac2513ad04201d7a73db497ac5b57b5a150be

Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Databloc: Eine Webplattform, die Dienstleister und Kunden des Unternehmens nahtlos und sicher miteinander verbindet

Die Hauptaufgabe von Databloc besteht darin, den Sicherheitsmarkt des Netzwerks zu revolutionieren, indem Informationen zur Netzwerksicherheit durch die Schaffung einer Plattform für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglicher und leichter zugänglich gemacht werden. Die dezentrale Universal Security Platform und ICO sind ein Mittel zur Kapitalmobilisierung, um die derzeitigen Dienstleistungen von Databloc zu erweitern und zu verbessern sowie eine neue Plattform zu schaffen. Durch die Überprüfung der Echtheit aller Transaktionen durch Blockchain können Benutzer fair und transparent für ihren Beitrag zur Entwicklung dieser Plattform belohnt werden. 
Databloc plant, eine dezentrale globale Sicherheitsplattform zu werden, die sich auf drei Hauptbereiche konzentriert: Geschäftswebsites, mobile Geräte und Sicherheit digitaler Assets. Sie wurde gegründet, um drei Hauptprobleme der Benutzer auf dem Markt für Netzwerksicherheit anzugehen:
  • Sicherheitslösungen sind zu gesättigt
  • Das Datensicherheitsnetzwerk ist personalisiert und exklusiv
  • Unsicherheit über die Leistung von Sicherheitsanbietern
Das Ziel von Databloc ist es, die Blockchain-Erfahrung für Benutzer und Unternehmen vollständig zu sichern, einschließlich des Schutzes des globalen Austausches vor Hackern, der Vorcodierung von Sicherheitsressourcen, des Schutzes der Benutzer vor Phishing-Links usw. Von dort aus kann Databloc den Anwendungsprozess unterstützen und beschleunigen Krypto

Databloc hilft allen Benutzern und Organisationen, über die Decentralized Global Security Platform eine sicherere Blockchain-Erfahrung zu haben.
Diese auf KI basierende Netzwerksicherheitsplattform wird von Datablocs patentiertem Deep-Learning-Modul namens VISION bereitgestellt und bietet umfassende Netzwerksicherheitslösungen sowie eine völlig neue, dezentralisierte Sicherheitsumgebung.
DataBloc ist das primäre Finanzgerät der Enterprise-Klasse zum Speichern von Informationen und Diensten. Die DataBloc-Plattform ist eine Internetplattform, die Carrier-Anbieter und Firmenkunden wirklich und sicher miteinander verbindet. DataFloc, auch als StoneFusion bekannt, könnte eine blockbasierte, blockbasierte Auflösung der 9. Generation sein, die von StoneFly, einem etablierten Datenverarbeitungsunternehmen aus Silicon Valley, erstellt wurde. Das Gerät hilft verschiedenen Informationsanbietern und Garagentypen und trägt ebenfalls zur Optimierung, Verfügbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit und Sicherheit der Unternehmensdaten bei. 
DataBloc könnte über eine Online-Plattform zur Verfügung stehen, an deren Stelle qualifizierte Informationsdienste ihre Informationsdienste aufzeichnen. Der Service wird von Informationseinrichtungen zu Unternehmen mit eigenen Informationsdiensten schwanken. Dienstleistungen werden sich in der Community einschreiben, um die Fluktuation ihrer Produkte zu verbessern, die Käuferbasis zu verbessern und die Kosten für die Kundengewinnung zu senken. Unternehmen werden sich in der Gemeinde für die Sicherheit des Booms anmelden und aus ihrer inaktiven Werkstattkapazität weitere passive Verkäufe generieren. 
Dienstleister erhalten ihre StoneFusion und erfassen die auf der DataBloc-Internetplattform zugänglichen Unternehmen. Unternehmen und öffentliche Benutzer geben ihre Werkstattwünsche und die Informationsunternehmen an, die sie benötigen. Kunden entscheiden sich dann für die Platzierung von Lieferanten aus der Liste der betreuten Benutzer und erwerben Unternehmen direkt auf der Netzplattform. DataBloc ist die wichtigste Antwort, mit der exzellente Carrier-Anbieter von Unternehmen ein Gerät erhalten können, mit dem sie zusätzliche Informations-Werkstatt und Unternehmen über das Internet ohne sichere Verfahren in der Blockchain fördern können. 
Die DataBloc-Software, auch als StoneFusion bekannt, soll eine Blockchain-Antwort der 9. Generation sein, die mithilfe von wayFly erstellt wurde, einem regelmäßig regelmäßig auftretenden Hersteller von Informationsanbietern, der hauptsächlich im Silicon Valley gegründet wurde. StoneFly hat rund 40 Millionen US-Dollar in dieses Produkt investiert und mehr als 16 Vollzeit-Geräteingenieure arbeiten an der Entwicklung. Das Gerät unterstützt verschiedene Informationsanbieter und Garagentypen und bietet Informationsoptimierung, Verfügbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit, Verschlüsselung und Sicherheit in Unternehmensqualität. DataBloc wechselt StoneFusion zu einer erlaubten Blockchain, die in erster Linie auf Ethereum gegründet wurde und die Verwendung eines Tokens ermöglicht, der eine Green Sharing Economy ermöglicht. Im Unterschied zum völlig dezentralisierten Umfeld 
Stone (Ticker: STONE) ist eine nützliche Strategie, um mit der DataBloc-Plattform zusammenzuarbeiten. Das STONE-Token kann so beschrieben werden, dass es den Zieleintrag für das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung eines Unternehmens darstellt. Die entscheidende Funktion von STONE-Token ist, dass sie normalerweise nicht als Investitionen konzipiert sind. Es gibt jetzt keine Garantie oder Zusage für eine Kapitalrendite. Die Token repräsentieren eine Kontoeinheit für das Netzwerk. Je größer die Community wird, desto mehr Nutzen bietet das Token. 
DataBlocs Mission zum Schutz von Daten 
Wie Äpfel, die von vernachlässigten Bäumen fallen, werden die Datenbestände der Welt verschwendet. Im Gegensatz zu Äpfeln sind Daten jedoch unsere wertvollste Ressource. Durch die Self-Service-Plattform von DataBloc verhindern wir, dass Datendiensteanbieter ihre reifen Früchte am Boden beobachten können.
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie bauen ein Hotel und erreichen nur die halbe Kapazität. Die heutigen Betreiber von Rechenzentren fühlen sich ähnlich finanziell betroffen.

Vorteile des Datablock-Systems

  • Mit diesem System werden räumlich begrenzte Strukturen beseitigt. Lokale Datencenter werden benötigt, um unter normalen Bedingungen Daten aufnehmen zu können. Abgesehen von diesen Rechenzentren führen die zentral verwalteten Serversysteme dazu, dass Benutzer eine langsame Verbindung aufbauen. Datenverzögerungen, die durch geografische Unterschiede bei der Datenübertragung verursacht werden, machen den Benutzer in eine schwierige Lage.
  • In Datablock ist jeder Computer ein potenzieller Datenhost. Dank Computern, die als Knotensystem ausgeführt werden, können andere Benutzer von diesem System profitieren, auch wenn eine Gruppe den Computer herunterfährt. Die Vorteile dieses Systems umfassen den Schutz vor Stromausfällen. Das Datablock-System ist in keiner Weise von Stromausfällen oder anderen Vorfällen betroffen.
  • Benutzer können die verfügbare Überkapazität für andere mieten, wenn sie dies wünschen. Auf diese Weise können sie zu ihren Geschäften beitragen, indem sie mit den von ihnen gezahlten Löhnen verdienen. Außerdem nutzt dieses System derzeit mehr als 2000 große Unternehmen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, von vorteilhaften Möglichkeiten zu profitieren.
  • Die Datensicherheit von Datablock ist sehr wichtig. Zentren wie die Polizei oder das Militär können eigene proprietäre Datensysteme einrichten. Niemand kann diese Daten sehen, einschließlich des Datablock-Teams. Diese Zentren können ihre Daten über private Server teilen. Sie können Speicherkapazitäten über ihre Netzwerke an andere Organisationen verkaufen.
  • Im Datablock-System können Benutzer den Einkaufsservice nach ihren Wünschen ändern. Auf diese Weise erhalten Benutzer eine schnellere Bandbreite, indem sie weniger zahlen. Dieses System verwendet nur die freie Kapazität der Benutzercomputer. Auf diese Weise können Benutzer ihre Stone-Token erhalten, indem sie dieses System offen halten, selbst wenn die Benutzer ihre Computer verwenden.

Vor-ICO-Token-Lieferung: 200.000.000 STONE 
ICO-Token-Lieferung: 200.000.000 STONE 
Gesamt zu verkaufende Token: 200.000.000 STONE 
Soft-Cap: 10.000.000 USD 
Hardcap: 100.000.000 USD
Ticker: STONE 
Typ: Utility-Token 
Token-Standard: ERC20 
Token-Preis in USD: 1 STONE = 0,50 USD 
Akzeptierte Währungen: BTC, ETH, Wire
Treasury - 15% 
Community - 5% 
Early Investors - 10% 
DataBloc Team - 10% 
Public Sale - 60%
75% - Incentiviertes Onboarding 
15% - Vertrieb und Marketing 
8% - Produktaktualisierungen 
2% - Netzwerkmanagement
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die offizielle Quelle:
Urheber: Jeffhardy
ETH-Adresse: 0x40F1A672536111c6d77bB145B4b24b1b0b01eb5a

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